Our Partner Schools

Every Child Deserves a Quality Education in a Safe and Nurturing Atmosphere

This WEA mantra sets our goal to impact solid character formation and positive academic achievement for the students in our Catholic Partner Schools. We strive to help each student have equal footing in competitive learning settings which instills pride, confidence and healthy self-esteem to handle everyday living with responsibility and accountability. Providing social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, as well as academics, gives each child the foundation necessary to cope with difficult situations, make informed decisions and open doors to opportunities that otherwise might be left to chance.

In addition, WEA joins with the Principals of our Partner Schools to finance critical programs that will make a difference in a child’s academic life, not only short-term but throughout the whole educational journey. Providing this assistance is a win-win – the students can thrive and WEA’s generous and caring sponsors are assured that their support is directly affecting children by maintaining a path for a quality education. Together academics and character- building foster an environment in which students can set goals, reach their potential and ultimately become productive citizens and community leaders…a foundation for building the next generation of strong, self-supporting families. Our Partner Schools promote and encourage student achievement by providing a safe and nurturing environment in which our students can succeed!

Since WEA’s inception, the following schools have and continue to receive funding to benefit underserved children’s outcomes:

  • Archbishop Borders

    3500 Foster Avenue
    Baltimore, MD 21224
    Visit school website

    Amy Belz and Kaitlyn Ramos, Co-Principals

    Quick Facts
    Capacity: 250
    Enrollment: 230
    Demographics: 52% Hispanic, 21% African American, 16% Multi-Racial, 9% Caucasian, 2% Asian
    40% Speak Spanish at home, 57% Speak English at home, 3% Speak another language at home.
    Free & Reduced Lunches: 54%

    Zip Codes served: 36

  • Cardinal Shehan

    5407 Loch Raven Boulevard
    Baltimore, MD 21239
    Visit school website

    Dr. Jeanne Dolamore, Principal

    Quick Facts
    Capacity: 450
    Enrolled: 219
    Demographics: 98% African American, 2% Other
    Free & Reduced Lunches: 100%

    Zip Codes served: 37

  • Mother Mary Lange

    200 N Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
    Baltimore, MD 2120
    Visit school website

    Lynnea Cornish, Principal

    Quick Facts
    Capacity: 450
    Enrolled: 380
    Demographics: 95% African American, 3% Caucasion, 2% Other
    Free & Reduced Lunches: 84.63%

  • Bishop Walsh

    700 Bishop Walsh Rd
    Cumberland, MD 21502
    Visit school website

    Jennifer Flinn, Principal

    Quick Facts
    Capacity - 350
    Enrollment - 265
    Demographics – 85% Caucasian, 6% Asian/Pacific Islander, 5% Multi-racial, 3% Black/African American, 1% Hispanic
    Free & Reduced Lunch – 25%